It is a slang term that is used to show strong excitement, surprise, or admiration. It is most commonly used as an exclamation in reaction to seeing a large like that is or the buttocks. It may be used as a noun to mean a large butt.In this article you will learn about the famous slang Gyat. Including Gyat meaning snapchat , gyat pronunciation, its meaning in urban dictionary tik tok and general definition.

General Definition: provides us with a more general definition that is :Gyat meaning or GYAT is a slang term that is used to show strong excitement, surprise, or admiration.” The gyat slang Is an exclamation used to show excitement or shock. It is especially in reaction to seeing large buttocks or a shapely woman. It is often used as a hashtag in videos of full-figured women and much less often, men.
Gyat as a Noun:
As a noun, it is typically used to mean a large butt. For Example: hey did you see the models in that video? GYATT.
Origin of Gyat
Gyat slang is often used as a synonym for the exclamation goddamn to show surprise or shock. Since the later 2000s, it has been used online as an alternate spelling of the word god-like in the phrase god damn. Gyat is occasionally paired with dayam for damn.
For example:
NCAA is trying to get everybody now. Gyatt Dayum. GO BACK TO THE PAC12 USC. We are not READY by @BlackSaiyan455 on July 20, 2010.
Oh my damn. The Raiders D Line is going to be ridiculous in the coming year. Richard Seymore AND John Henderson Gyat DAMN! By Stephen White @sgw94 on June 11, 2010.
The popularization of the slang Gyatt as a goddamn synonym and its association with large butts is often acknowledged by Twitch streamer YourRAGE. As early as 2024, Your Anger often loudly shouted gyat in reaction to voluptuous women in his videos. His viewers would copy his behavior and spam GYAT or variations of it in chat in response to bold and attractive women.
This slang is widely spread to other social media platforms. It was similarly used as a positive exclamation to react to attractive women. And use it as a noun to mean a large butt. This slang hashtag #gyatt is often used with videos featuring voluptuous women.
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Now it is a popular term on social media. It is often used to discuss large butts or consider content featuring large butts.
For example:
When Albay has that bombastic gyatt you have to use your criminal offensive rizz. By Reese @GlRLlNTHEDRESS on August 13, 2023. My friend is a teacher and apparently, her students say Gyatt every time she bent over (@TheMaidenMacy) on November 23, 2023. Bro, I knew people were gonna be commenting “Gyatt” on TikTok for my damn art post about what happened to Shame by Greg (@su_perstxr) on August 16, 2023.
What does Gyat meaning tiktok :
The TikTok app is home to many slang terms that do the rounds all over the other apps. This slang has appeared in videos, captions, and comments on TikTok but it has also appeared on other social media platforms. It is believed that this term was coined on other social media websites. It is seen that the YouTube and Twitch streamer came up with it first.
It uses GYATT as an abbreviation of “godd**n”. It is also used as an expression of appreciation for women with curvy figures. Moreover, the term gyat appears to have many other meanings. Many other sites also mention GYAT which is an acronym. As per reports of Acronym Finder, GYAT stands for Get Your Act Together.
What Doe Gyat Meaning Snapchat :
It was generally used to tell someone they were behaving improperly or telling them to behave in a good manner. For example on TikTok, its users commented Yeah, guys say it when they see a girl with a heavy behind. Like, again collect yourself.This slang comes as TikTok is among the social media platforms introducing several innovations. Other platforms issue updates to their systems like Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook, and YouTube.
What does gyatt or gyat meaning?
The word gyatt or gyat is a shortened term that is used for goddamn. The guys use it when they see a girl they find with large butts. Usually, those girls have a curvy figure. This phrase was first used by YouTuber and Twitch streamer Your RAGE. He would say the term whenever he saw someone voluptuous pop up during his streams.
This YouTuber introduced this slang word in 2022. It has been used frequently on TikTok. It is often in comment sections and direct messages. It is also a popular slang term on Twitch.
The famous slang is not a recent phenomenon but it has been around since 2021 at the very least. At the time of writing the gyatt hashtag “Gyatt” has received a whopping 3.5 billion views on TikTok.
However, the slang also has a Quite different meaning to others. It can also be used to express various emotions, such as excitement, approval, or disbelief. This slang is derived from the Jamaican Patois word gyat. It means goat or “greatest of all time”. Like if you could say she ate that pastry in one bite Gyatt! or I didn’t give a damn what anyone says, pineapple belongs on pizza. Gyatt!”
Alternative Definition of GYAT
There is also another alternative definition for gyat. It suggests that the word means to get your act together. It also points to instructing someone to behave more better or effectively. However, you approximately won’t see this as often as the former meaning.
GYAT pronunciation:
GYAT also rhymes with squat bought, or fiat depending on your pronunciation of the g. It can be an acronym for “Girl You’re a** Thicc or an abbreviation for goddamn. As per Bark, an online monitoring company that tracks teenage slang.
Gyat Meaning Urban Dictionary:
Urban Dictionary explains that the “GYAT” is used when complimenting someone with a curvy body. While “GYATT” is spelled with two Ts and describes a man or woman with a large butt. Gyat pronunciation is also available at this site.
The term Gyat is a slang that is used to refer to Curvy womens. Also it has many different meanings. This slang is also used to show or express excitement, or shock. It is especially in reaction to seeing large buttocks or a shapely woman. Now it is common slang used by the people on almost all social media platforms.
What does gyat mean ?
It is used to show admiration, excitement and surprise.
What does gyat meaning urban dictionary?
Urban Dictionary explains that the “GYAT” is used when complimenting someone with a curvy body.